Harrisonburg Bodyrubs
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Frequently asked questions
When should I avoid getting a massage?
Do not schedule an appointment if you are feeling unwell, have a fever, cold, or have a contagious skin condition.
What should I expect during my first massage visit?
: Your massage therapist should require you to fill out a health history form. They may also ask more in-depth questions to establish which areas you would like to focus on.
Do I have to be completely undressed?
You may undress to your level of comfort.
Will the massage hurt?
Generally, massage shouldn't hurt
Do you talk during a massage?
Be sure to speak up during the massage if there is anything you’d like adjusted (temperature, pressure, music, etc)
What if I have body acne, skin conditions, or forgot to shave?
Rest assured, massage therapists have seen and felt it all! Please do not feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.
How often should I get a massage?
Individual preference varies, so for most, idepends on your pain, physical needs, emotional needs, and of course, budget, but it can be done monthly or weekly.
What are parts of the body pressure that will be applied when having a body-to-body massage?
Hands, knee, fingers, elbow, Forearm, and feet.
One of the diseases massages can treat is what?
Nuru in Japanese means what?